As part of a research project CarbonOcean International AG and Professor Anton Eisenhauer from the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel are working to develop innovative technology for the direct extraction of CO2 from seawater and air. Their goal is to design and build a laboratory-scale demonstrator that could serve as the basis for industrial scale-up.
Direct Ocean Capture: An innovative approach to CO2 removal
Direct Ocean Capture (DOC) is a carbon dioxide removal process that concentrates on extracting CO2 from the surface water of the oceans. Compared to conventional carbon capture and storage processes that target industrial emissions, DOC utilises the high concentration of dissolved CO₂ in seawater, which is around 150 times higher than in the atmosphere.
The process offers several advantages: In addition to reducing CO2 levels in the atmosphere, it can contribute to combating ocean acidification. Also, DOC can be incorporated into existing marine-based industries such as aquaculture, offshore wind parks or desalination plants, enabling potential synergies and cost savings.
Project goals and implementation
The project comprises the development and construction of a fully functional demonstrator that will be tested at laboratory scale. The goal is to evaluate the technical feasibility of the process and create the basis for industrial scale-up. Professor of Marine Environmental Geochemistry Anton Eisenhauer is providing scientific support and working closely with CarbonOcean Engineering to advance the design and realisation of the plant.
Tutech’s role
The IP Management business unit at Tutech supported the negotiations between the project partners and drew up the contract. A particular focus here was on regulating how research results are handled and the creation of new intellectual property (IP) rights. These aspects are crucial to safeguard the interests of all participants and ensure successful cooperation.
Significance for the climate
The project shows how innovative technology can contributed to reduction CO2 emissions. Direct Ocean Capture represents a promising opportunity to tackle the challenges of climate change while protecting marine ecosystems.