Safe and Reliable Transport Chains of Dangerous Goods in the Baltic Sea Region

Successfully completed project DAGOB

Project funded by the European Commission Project part-financed by the European Union Regional Development Fund within the Baltic Sea Region INTERREG III B Neighbourhood Programme (2006- 2007).

The aim of the DaGoB project was to increase the safety level of dangerous goods transports in the Baltic Sea Region by enhancing the cooperation between competent authorities.

One of the most important results of DaGoB is the significantly increased level of cross-border cooperation between the authorities involved. It is now at a much higher level than it was before this project.

In addition to participation at seminars and workshops, the staff exchange can be singled out as a most efficient instrument for bringing those who work with dangerous goods together and increase their knowledge and confidence concerning the cooperation with other countries.

Concrete suggestions for further activities as a direct result of the developed instruments have been made. This is very important in order not only to maintain the level of cooperation and knowledge achieved, but also to extend it.

Summary final report (PDF)

Tutech was leader of work package 3 and coordinated all activities relating to exploitation and dissemination, acted as a mediator for exploitation interests, and organised symposia and other knowledge-transfer events. Tutech provided further information through a portal using the Eurift-technology. Here information on best practice, flow of DG in the BSR, analysis of accidents/incidents, information on better control of DG transport chains, information exchange between public and private stakeholders to ease their communication, and teaching materials can be provided through Eurift.

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Monica Schofield
Tel: +49 40 76629 6353
Fax: +49 40 76629 6359