Successfully completed project ReMaT
Research Management Training for Early-Stage-Researchers
Customer: European Commission – funded by the European Framework 6 Programme
ReMaT is the product of the observation that early stage researchers need to develop complementary skills aside from their specialist knowledge.
The overarching goal of the project was to encourage demand for integrating research management training measures as an essential part of doctoral education by showing how this can be done in an effective pragmatic manner, without taking too much time away from research itself. This need has been identified by the European University Association in their study on European Doctoral Education DOC-CAREERS.
With funding support from the European Commission’s Framework 6 Programme, a carefully crafted workshop was developed in consultation with focus groups comprising experienced as well as early-stage researchers, senior industrial research managers, entrepreneurs and PhD programme directors. The project to develop the ReMaT workshop provided an opportunity to pilot the concept at various locations in Europe with both participants and external observers providing feedback. The success of ReMaT can be attributed to intensive stakeholder consultation across Europe and the willingness of faculty and students to participate in this process in the formation of the package.
Now a decade post completion of the project, ReMaT has established itself as a much sought-after training opportunity booked by individuals and graduate schools, showing that its goal was met. Many hundreds of participants to date from well over 40 institutions, and from a multitude of disciplines and nationalities have attended the workshop. ReMaT is offered on a cost-covering basis as an open course, or hosted by universities or research institutes to provide wider access to high quality complementary skills training for all early stage researchers. It is marketed through Tutech Academy.
Given that the topic is now integrated into the TUTECH ACADEMY programme, the website was taken offline in 2019.
An overview of ReMaT’s genesis can be found in our brochure ‘What is ReMaT?’ (PDF).
The final report is also available as a PDF.
“It was only during the workshop that I have realised how much research management is important. I have never had this kind of training.”
Nives Skunca, PhD candidate in Zagreb, Croatia
If you are interested in hosting one of our seminars, please ask for a detailed offer. We are also happy to provide tailor-made workshops subject to time available. Please get in touch with us.
Contact and further information
Dr Margarete Remmert-Rieper
Tel: +49 40 76629 6353
Fax: +49 40 76629 6359
Email: academy@tutech.de