X-innovation and start-up support in the south of Hamburg

Cooperation between Tempowerk (formerly hit-Technopark) and Tutech at Harburg Innovation Park has been successful for years. Both companies provide the support and infrastructure for fresh business ideas, new start-ups and companies on a growth course. What sounds like potential competition is a proven cooperation to strengthen the economic region. This cooperation has now been renewed and expanded through a cooperation agreement.

X-innovation and start-up support in the south of Hamburg

New cooperation agreement between Tempowerk, Tutech and Hamburg Innovation.

As Hamburg’s oldest technology park, Tempowerk offers technology companies modern office buildings, the best IT infrastructure, a personal and individual service as well as a broad network with the aim of cross-industry transfer of know-how. Tutech and Hamburg Innovation are active as sister companies in the field of knowledge and technology transfer at the interface between science and business. Specifically, the two companies act as advisors, brokers, initiators and coordinators to connect universities, research, industry and society.

In the future, the cooperation partners will collaborate even more closely in the area of innovation management and marketing and jointly help knowledge and technology-based start-ups, young companies and SMEs to expand their businesses. The aim is to further develop and make visible what is already good infrastructure and close cooperation between the contract partners in the region south of the Elbe. The aim is to retain companies in the region or attract them.

The next concrete date is the Gründungscamp (start-up camp) in early September, hosted jointly with Leuphana University at Tempowerk. Further events are in the planning stage.