ReMaT – research management training for early-career researchers
ReMaT is an intensive, interactive workshop, providing an introduction to a number of key topics relating to research management including project management, grant acquisition, and science and technology related entrepreneurship. ReMaT is especially tailored to meet the needs of early-stage researchers especially from the 2nd year of PhD studies onwards, but is also suitable for others involved in research, or in directing research. ReMaT delivers hands-on practical training in an intensive, yet effective workshop form over two days. There is a strong emphasis on European networking in the way the workshop is delivered: we encourage participation from many different countries and disciplines.
Target group:
Early-stage researchers, e.g. PhD candidates or postdocs.Category
500,00 € plus VAT
Share event
Day 1
Registration and welcome
• Contexts of modern research
• Managing interdisciplinary projects
13:00 - 13:45
Brown Bag Lunch
14:00 - 16:30
• Invention, innovation and the law
Virtual drink
Day 2
• Acquiring research grants in Europe
• Exploiting research & technology
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 16:30
• Open Forum & Discussion
• Planning your career
Timings are indicative only
Contact and information
Silke Ludewigs
Tel: +49 40 76629 6352
Fax: +49 40 76629 6359
Email: academy@tutech.de
Number of participants
Number of participants is limited to 25.
Workshop language
Workshop presenters

Dr Margarete Remmert-Rieper
Dr Margarete Remmert-Rieper joined Tutech in 2006 as a Senior Consultant for EU-funded projects. She now heads up the business development activities on research and innovation-related training programmes. She has coordinated a number of regionally and EU-funded projects aimed at strengthening SMEs in their innovation management competencies. She has coordinated projects aimed at helping early career researchers gain complementary skills in research management and entrepreneurship, including the Lifelong Learning Erasmus Knowledge Alliance in the area entrepreneurship training (HEKATE). Currently Margarete is a consultant for INNOKAM Services offered through the Enterprise Europe Network aimed at helping SMEs develop a more strategic approach to innovation. Her consultancy assignments include supporting the City Administrations of Hamburg and Copenhagen on Smart City projects relating to sustainable urban solutions.
Margarete has a PhD in chemistry and an additional graduate qualification in economics for scientists. She has lectured in environmental protection and run her own consultancy giving SMEs advice on environmental matters and innovation. She has been an evaluator for the EU Framework Programme. Margarete has over twenty years’ experience as a trainer.

Monica Schofield, CEng FIET
Monica Schofield has over 30 years’ experience of innovation management in industry large and small in Sweden, the UK and Germany. In addition to an industrial career in robotics and automation, she is the co-founder of a robotic sensing company and founding editor of the International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery. Since 1993 she has been an expert advisor in various capacities to the European Commission on matters relating to research and innovation policy. Since 1995 she has been an active consultant on research and innovation management throughout Europe, during which time she has delivered numerous workshops on the topic. Monica has a degree in engineering science from the University of Durham, is a Chartered Engineer and Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology.
Monica joined Tutech Innovation GmbH in 1999 and is Director International Cooperation. She currently heads the business area Consultancy and Competence Development. Her team provides services for researchers at Hamburg University of Technology and external clients to help them make optimal use of the opportunities provided by European funding programmes for research, innovation and regional development. This includes advising small and medium-sized enterprises on innovation as well as young entrepreneurs who want to exploit their research results. Monica is a member of the Programme Planning Committee of
the European Industrial Research Management Association EIRMA (eirma.org) for which she also
leads a task force on responsible innovation.
In-house workshops for companies and institutes
If you are interested in hosting one of our seminars please ask for a detailed offer. We are also happy to provide tailor-made workshops subject to time available.
Contact & further information
Dr Margarete Remmert-Rieper
Tel: +49 40 76629 6353
Fax: +49 40 76629 6359
Email: academy@tutech.de