The platform for Transfer Innovation The aim of the HHIS is to network Hamburg’s innovation scene. This includes companies, start-ups, science, politics/administration as well as all those interested in innovation from the public sphere. Each year, different topics are presented based on best practice in Hamburg, thus giving start-ups and companies more visibility.
Vom 20.-22.09.2024 laden Hamburg Innovation und die Leuphana Universität Lüneburg zum Gründungscamp ein. Dort stellen Gründungsinteressierte und Gründer:innen gemeinsam mit den Referent:innen die einzelnen Komponenten ihrer wissensbasierten Geschäftsideen auf den Prüfstand und entwickeln sie zu einem ausgereiften Geschäftsmodell.
Circular Textile Days is a business event that offers a great opportunity for meeting new partners in the sustainable textile business and for discovering and discussing innovative circular textile solutions. A broad selection of companies and institutes show their new sustainable, circular solutions. The entire textile-chain is present, from recycled yarn to eco-design garments, reusing materials and high-tech recycling.
Die ENVIRONTEC powered by Ökoindustria umfasst die Messethemen Wassertechnologie, Abwasserbehandlung, Abfallwirtschaft, Recycling und Infrastruktur, insbesondere bezogen auf kommunale und städtische Belange.
The 17. Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL 2024) seeks to create an inspiring environment for researchers and professionals to discuss solutions, challenges, and responsibilities companies face in logistics and supply chain management.
Der Wirtschaftsverein für den Hamburger Süden zusammen mit der Tutech Innovation GmbH und der Hamburg Innovation GmbH, dem gründungsunterstützenden Verbund Startup Port sowie dem Business Angels Netzwerk Elbe-Weser e. V. laden zu einem Pitch auf dem sich sechs Start-ups präsentieren werden ein.
This seminar is intended to provide a better understanding of the basics of the modern application of so-called ‘boilerplate clauses’. It is based on numerous case studies, from business life, that provide the highest degree of ‘hands-on’ experience in linguistic usage. It starts with an analysis of the basic steps in contract design and discusses the different types of boilerplates applied. Participants will receive ‘sample boilerplates’ during the seminar.
ReMaT is an intensive, interactive workshop, providing an introduction to a number of key topics relating to research management including project management, grant acquisition, and science and technology related entrepreneurship.
Kostenfreie Bildungswochen für Hamburger Schulen zu Klima, Nachhaltigkeit und gesellschaftlichem Wandel. Über 100 renommierte BildungspartnerInnen präsentieren über 100 verschiedene Workshops, Exkursionen und Vorträge.
As a partner of SMM Hamburg, the Enterprise Europe Network is hosting the MariMatch networking event at SMM. Take advantage of this opportunity to meet future business and research partners and broaden your maritime network.
The World Circular Economy Forum (WCEF) is a significant event uniting business leaders, policymakers, and experts to highlight top global circular economy solutions. This year’s WCEF edition takes place in Brussels – surrounded by the momentum of the Belgium Eu-presidency. Enterprise Europe Network Vlaanderen, Enterprise Europe Network – EEN Wallonia, and Enterprise Europe Brussels (known as EEN Belgium) are organising a company mission that will offer the opportunity for forward-thinking businesses.
This workshop provides background knowledge, understanding and tools for developing and writing proposals for research funding. Horizon Europe, the European Union’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, acts as a model; the skills learned are transferable to other types of research funding programme.
On the occasion of HUSUM WIND – Transforming Energy, the trade fair & congress for the wind industry in Germany’s Wind Mecca and Enterprise Europe Network invites you to participate in the international on site Networking Event Husum Wind Match 2023.
Dialogveranstaltung zur Steigerung der Bekanntheit der Industrie in Hamburg. Das Ziel der Veranstaltung ist es, möglichst verschiedene Perspektiven auf die Industrie zu zeigen und auch kontroverse Themen zu diskutieren. Im Rahmen einer moderierten Podiumsdiskussion sollen auch unterschiedliche Perspektiven aufeinandertreffen.
For those with a basic understanding of how Common Law contracts and agreements are set up, applied and interpreted in English, this seminar is designed to develop your skills and knowledge further. We will deal with the principles of ‘boilerplates’ and standard types of contract clauses along with issues of liability. We will look at the purpose behind the typical boilerplate clauses as well as the preferred formulations and, where relevant, discuss the relevance of the Common Law clauses in the German/Civil Law context.
This workshop provides background knowledge, understanding and tools for developing and writing proposals for research funding. Horizon Europe, the European Union’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, acts as a model; the skills learned are transferable to other types of research funding programme.
Participants will acquire background knowledge, understanding and tools that they can use to develop proposals for research funding for multi-disciplinary collaborative projects in Horizon Europe, the European Union’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. The skills learned are also transferable to other international, European or national research funding programmes.
This classic workshop has been delivered in various forms for well over a decade, but remains extremely popular as a hands-on introduction to the art of managing multi-disciplinary, multi-organisational research projects. The Horizon 2020 Framework Programme is used as a model, but the approach is applicable to multi-partner projects.
The workshop aims to give an understanding of what it means to translate knowledge, or ideas, into something that creates economic and societal benefit – in other words innovation. The workshop will develop the participants’ ability to relate to how business views knowledge and give an understanding of what it takes to exploit knowledge for commercial gain.
The idea of this workshop is to explore in a hands-on manner what it means to build a business and the tools needed. The workshop is very practical and interactive in nature.
Dieser Vortrag bietet Forschern die Gelegenheit, über die Art und Weise zu reflektieren wie Forschungsprogramme gestaltet werden, insbesondere auf europäischen Ebene und zeigt auf, wie man den Inhalt der Programmen und Aufrufen mitgestalten kann. Er richtet sich an Wissenschaftler, die mehr erfahren wollen über die aktuelle Politik zur Gestaltung von Forschungsprogrammen.
Research management support has become an important function in its own right, but there is little formal training that can prepare people for this important service function. The purpose of this workshop is to share experience.
Registered office:
Startup Port
Harburger Schloßstraße 6-12
21079 Hamburg
Office im Goldfisch
Blohmstr. 20
21079 Hamburg