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Get ready for the circular economy
Picture: Midjourney AI

Compressed expertise with the Up2Circ Academy modules

Since the project was launched a few months ago, we have been working with our Up2Circ partners to collect information on the circular economy and prepare it for training purposes. The result is four learning modules designed to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) find their way to sustainable business models.

Starting with a general introduction to the necessity of the circular economy, through various implementation options for circular business models and industrial strategies, to forward-looking product design and life-cycle analysis: the Up2Circ Academy offers a large pool of information in a clear format that can be processed either in sequence or selectively and specifically. At the same time, the information provides a solid basis for a successful funding application for up to €50,000. Your Up2Circ team at TUTECH is of course always available for personal consultations!


Silke Schleiff und Tim Zebahl


Tutech Innovation GmbH


Telefon: 040 76629 6355