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Trees for Future – Knowledge transfer with school students

A project bears fruit

News from the joint educational project by TUTECH and the sustainability network HARBURG21 “Trees for Future – City trees in an age of climate change”: there’s now an apple tree on the Schwarzenbergstraße school campus, with a tree sponsorship for the Goethe Schule Harburg (GSH) to follow.

The programme for Hamburg middle school students (years 5 to 10) in the summer (see News from 8.7.2020) got to grips with various questions about trees in the city in a playful, practical and activity-oriented way. Now the project is literally bearing fruit: the tree nursery Lorenz von Ehren has donated an apple tree to the school. And the interest from some of the students doesn’t stop there – they’re starting a practical at the nursery in the spring.

Fotos: Gisela Baudy & Chris Baudy

Further information and photos of the tree planting at the Schwarzenbergstraße school can be found on the HARBURG21 website: The Hamburger Abendblatt also reported.

“Trees for Future – Stadtbäume in Zeiten des Klimawandels” is supported from the #moinzukunft climate fund set up by the Ministry for the Environment and Development (BUE).

Contact at TUTECH:

Jürgen Becker