KLEE – Klimaanpassung Einzugsgebiet Este

Project duration
1 May 2013–31 July 2016

Funding programme for climate change adaptation measures, Federal Environment Ministry (BMUB)

Project region
Catchment of the Este, a left-bank tributary of the Elbe flowing largely on Lower Saxony territory through Harburg and Stade rural districts.

Flooding and sediment problems in the whole of the Este catchment

Brief description
The scope of the “KLEE” research project (Klimaanpassung Einzugsgebiet Este – Climate Change Adaptation in the Este Catchment) was the adaptation to the expected consequences of climate change in the whole of the Este catchment. The main topics were the already existing challenges concerning flood protection and sediment management. The chief goal of the KLEE consortium was the development of an integrated adaptation concept for the KLEE model area. The interests of the upstream and downstream riparian communities on the Este were taken into account in the current concept, as were the differing concerns of nature conservation, agriculture, coastal and flood protection, and the views of the relevant planning authorities. The aim of the cross-district consideration at catchment level was to identify optimum measures for the entire catchment instead of small-scale local measures, to summarise them in a guideline and to establish a permanent network of the stakeholders involved.

Project partners
Landkreis Harburg, Landkreis Stade, Stadtentwässerung Buxtehude, Technische Universität Hamburg (TUHH), Institut für Wasserbau, Tutech Innovation GmbH

Further information

Sustainability – What happened next?

Knowledge transfer on climate change

Tutech has an established, ongoing network on the subject of climate change adaptation in the Hamburg Metropolitan Region which has given rise to numerous funded projects and events. The starting point was the interdisciplinary BMBF-funded KLIMZUG-NORD (strategic approaches to climate change adaptation in Hamburg Metropolitan Region) project from 2009 to 2014, which generated follow-up projects such as the KLEE project presented on this page. If you are a scientist, entrepreneur or public sector representative with questions and ideas on climate change and adaptation issues, please feel free to contact us. We initiate and coordinate climate adaptation projects.


Jürgen Becker
Network Manager KLIMA
Research Management
Tel: +49 40 76629-6342